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After a stroke necessitating the sale of my Natural Toiletries business, I wanted to understand how stress, diet, lifestyle and the environment affects the gut-brain connection. Fascinated with the root causes of symptoms, I trained in many modalities to heal myself, and help clients understand the pathway to their dis-ease.  I am is passionate about empowering clients by helping them understand their unique predispositions and constitutions.
Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy provides a holistic approach that encourages the body’s innate healing ability, which in turn helps to address the root cause of imbalance, create sustainable healing, and promote long term health and vibrancy.
In a non-judgmental consultation, I look into your whole history and potential genetic pre-dispositions going back two generations, your lifestyle, diet and environment, your likes, dislikes and motivations.  With a no "diet" approach, I guide, educate and motivate you to begin taking charge of your own health by making gradual adjustments in your diet, lifestyle and environment to help restore balance to your mind and body.  

I am Enhanced DBS Checked 
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Naturopathy and Nutritional Therapy Training
  • Registered Naturopath, ND
  • Naturopathic Medicine / Naturopathy (Nat.Dip)  Diploma - The School of Health, with individual Certificates for each Unit in Ayurvedic Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Tibetan and Unani (Greek Medicine), Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Homotoxicology, Psychosocial Skills, Iridology, Hydrotherapy, Dentistry / Oral Health.  I was also awarded a Certificate of Excellence for my Naturopathy study by the ADIC.
  • Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist Diploma (NT.Dip) - The School of Health
  • Naturopathic Nutrition Advisor Diploma (Dip. NA) - Natural Healthcare College
  • Anatomy and Physiology Diploma - The School of Health
  • Cordon Bleu Cookery Diploma - The Cordon Bleu School
  • SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth) Professional Mastery Programme - The SIBO Doctor 
  • Liver and Gallbladder in Health and Disease - Doctorate Level by Dr Sandberg-Lewis, Dr Keivan Jinnah
  • Naturopathic Gastroenterology - The Natural Healthcare College
  • Eating Psychology Coach Diploma - COE
  • Neuroplasticity Diploma - CEO
  • Supporting clients on PPIs - Practice With Confidence
  • Homotoxicology Course – The Society of Homotoxicology & Anti-Homotoxic Therapy GB
  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Course for Health Practitioners: Metabolic Types; Copper Dysregulation, Anxiety, Pyroluria, Bipolar, Mental Health; Heavy Metal Toxicity; Thyroid & Adrenal Dysfunction; Autism Spectrum Disorders, Children’s Developmental Disorders: ASD, Learning Difficulties; Glucose Dysregulation & Hypoglycaemia.
Kinesiology Training & Bodywork
  • Kinesiology Touch For Health Proficiency - Rose Therapies
  • Muscle Response Testing Skills for Healthcare Practitioners - Terry Larder, The Classical Kinesiology Institute
  • Polarity Reflex Analysis Nutritional Assessment (PRANA) - Terry Larder, The Classical Kinesiology Institute
  • TMJ (Temporomandibular joint dysfunction) and Dysponesis - Terry Larder, The Classical Kinesiology Institute
  • Techniques to Help with Digestive Issues (Digestive Valve Synchronisation, Sub Clinical Hiatus Hernia, Digestive Insufficiency) - Terry Larder, The Classical Kinesiology Institute
  • Heart as a Second Brain - Terry Larder, The Classical Kinesiology Institute
  • Applied Kinesiology Shortcuts for the Endocrine System - The Kinesiology Institute
  • Deep Level Chakra Balance (using the Acupuncture System) - Terry Larder, The Classical Kinesiology Institute
  • Turning the Volume up and down - Terry Larder, The Classical Kinesiology Institute
  • Analogue Muscle Testing - Terry Larder, The Classical Kinesiology Institute
  • Kinetic Chain Release (KCR) Practitioner - KCR Academy
Iridology Training
  • Advanced Physical Iridology (API) Certificate - Integrated Iridology, Toni Miller
  • Emotional Precursors of Specific Organs and Tissues - Integrated Iridology
  • Signs in the Cerebral Sector - Integrated Iridology
  • Iridology Certificate - The School of Health
  • Iridology Diploma - CEO
Hypnotherapy Training
  • Positive Hypnotherapy Diploma - Academy Of The Inner Mind (AIM) - Dr Claire Jack
  • Certificate in Professional Hypnotherapy - Academy Of The Inner Mind (AIM) - Dr Claire Jack
  • Somasense® Practitioner - Academy Of The Inner Mind (AIM) - Dr Claire Jack
  • HypnoIBS® Practitioner - Academy of The Inner Mind (AIM) - Dr Claire Jack
  • Certificate in Hypnotherapy for Chronic Pain - Academy of the Inner Mind (AIM) - Dr Claire Jack
Emotional Healing Training
  • SIRPA Trained Health Professional (Stress Illness Recovery Practitioner Association) Levels 1 & 2
  • Soma-Psych Alignment® - Mind, Body, Gut Company
  • Sunder Process - Mind, Body, Gut Company
  • Counselling Skills Diploma - COE
  • Introduction to NLP & Conflict Resolution - Mind, Body, Gut Company
  • NLP Practitioner Diploma - COE
  • Body Language Diploma - COE
  • PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Awareness Diploma - COE
  • Anxiety Management Diploma - COE
  • Grief and Bereavement Counselling Diploma - COE
  • Treating Generalised Anxiety (GAD) and Panic Attacks - Mind Body Breakthrough
  • Emotional Identity Technique - The Mind Body Gut Company
  • Understanding Depression and Anxiety - The Open University
Other Therapies and Herbal Training
  • Reiki Master Practitioner - Rose Therapies
  • Vibrational Therapy Tools - Rose Therapies
  • Buteyko Breathing Clinical Method Certificate - Buteyko Clinic International (Cert. BBM)
  • Buteyko Breathing for Allergens, Hay Fever, High Blood Pressure Course - Patrick McKeown
  • HomeoBotanical Therapy (HbT) - Dr Deborah Kerslake, HomeoHerbs - dispensed in clinic
  • HomeoHerbal Therapy (HH) - Dr Deborah Kerslake, HomeoHerbs - dispensed in clinic
  • Oldpain2Go® - Steven Blake Method
  • Centre of Excellence Diplomas: -
  • Body Healing Coach Diploma
  • Advanced Master Herbalism Diploma
  • Ayurvedic Herbalism Diploma COE
  • Flower & Vibrational Essences Practitioner Diploma
  • Bach Flower Remedy Diploma
  • Auricular Therapy Diploma (Ear Acupressure)
  • Infrared Therapy Diploma
  • First Aid Diploma
  • Colour Therapy Diploma
  • Sound Therapy Diploma
  • Aromatherapy Diploma
  • Hand Reflexology Diploma
  • Crystal Healing Diploma
  • Advanced Homeopathy Diploma
COE = Centre of Excellence Courses (Distinction)
I regularly attend Continued Professional Development training (CPD) to deepen
my knowledge and keep up to date with the world of health.  CPDs / Other Courses.  
Association Memberships
The Society of Naturopaths - MSoN
Federation of Nutritional Therapists (FNTP) 
Naturopathic Nutrition Association (NNA) - AMNNA
Rose Association of Animal & Human Therapies - RAAHT
Kinesiology Association (KA) - Associate Member
ACCPH (Accredited Counsellors, Coaches,  Psychotherapists & Hypnotherapists) - Accredited Member
I am also a Canine Wellness Consultant (although no longer practicing) - Canine Behaviourist & Trariner (Turid Rugaas IDTE), Canine Merishia Massage, Animal Herbal Choices (Applied Zoopharmacognosy), Canine Myofascial Release, Canine Acupressure, Animal Reiki.  My online Stress in Dogs (CPD course for therapists and owners) is available through my website
I previously owned a natural toiletries and skin care manufacturing business with a team of 8 staff, and I am author of 5 globally published books on natural products for The Guild of Master Craftsmen - Bath Bombs, Soaps, Candles, Beauty Oils & Butters, Beauty Scrubs & Masks.
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* For many years I worked as a Production Manager in television production.  I travelled the World and met some fascinating people. I worked on the World's Strongest Man TV Competition, with some of the biggest men in the World.  
* For many years I worked on the Nobel Prizes TV documentary programme, with some of the biggest brains in the World (I also powdered many of their shiny balding heads for the TV  cameras).  I was on the balcony filming, just above Nelson Mandela, when he received his Nobel Peace Prize.
*   I studied silversmithing - one of my pieces was exibited at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.
*  I have a Cordon Bleu Cookery Diploma and in my youth worked as a Chalet Girl in the French Alps, and in The City as chef for Director's lunches.
* I once flew a helicopter over Cheddar   Gorge in my first (and last) flying lesson.

County Homes & Interiors

6 page feature on me


Book by Elaine Stavert - Bath Bombs
Book by Elaine Stavert - Soaps.jpg
Book by Elaine Stavert - Candles.jpg
Book by Elaine Stavert - Oils & Butters.jpg
Book by Elaine Stavert - Masks & Scrubs.jpg

Random Facts About Me

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” - Hippocrates


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